Drive traffic. Get bonuses.
Bring back the Magic of New Year!
The iGaming world is shocked by the news — New Year’s Eve has been stolen!
The holiday is gone, and its magic has disappeared with it. The Grinch turned
Tarot magician uses illusions and dark forces to keep the holiday.

Affiliates will have to pass through five magical locations, collecting

the necessary Deposit Sum, and defeat the Grinch to get the holiday back.
Sign up on RevenueLab affiliate network
Push traffic on Gypsy brands and generate DepSum
Get your bonus
How to start?
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Bonus Map:
Traffic Sources:
The best brands for your traffic from Gypsy

For all details contact your manager
Terms and Conditions

  1. RevenueLab and Gypsy launch the "Gypsy Revenue Tales" promotion, which will run from December 1 to December 31, 2024.
  2. Winners will be announced on 01/20/2025
  3. To participate in the promotion, affiliates must have an account in the RevenueLab affiliate network.
  4. The prize pool of the promotion will be distributed based on the amount of Deposits the participant generated with Gypsy brands through the RevenueLab network during the period of the promotion from 00:00 (UTC+0) 01.12.2024 to 00:00 (UTC+0) 31.12.2024.
  5. Traffic Sources: PPC (commission to deposit 100% per month), SEO, SMS (commission to deposit 80% per month), Email (commission to deposit 80% per month)
  6. We only consider Sum Dep players who were brought by an affiliate after the start of the promotion, i.e. starting from December 1, 2024.
  7. The main prizes will be paid out according to the prize pool table and if the affiliate fulfills the conditions of the promotion.
  8. High Roller terms and conditions: maximum bonus up to 8500 euros.
  9. For traffic that did not pass the established KPIs the bonus is not paid, and qualifies as SumDep on a standard transaction.
  10. Payment for traffic that did not pass KPI, will be considered individually.